
Personalized Plan for Learning

Affordable tutor and learning class to fit everyone's budget.

Customized Budget

Offline & Online Mentor

Better Evaluation of Students

Strategies of Struggling Students

e learning platform

Ensure Skills

We do research on everyone and gives a random workout plan to align top rank

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Why we are bestin market?

Difference from others

We have manages to work with each student personally for their learning plans & analytics reports

  • Choose your courses / subjects
  • Ready with hardware & internet connectivity
  • Avail on timing plan
  • Workout a online / offline presence
  • Plan your budget classes
  • Start your child for effective & quick results

One to One Learnings

Adjust plans by evaluation

250+ qualified & verified tutors

24/7 anytime - anywhere classes

available 7 days a week

Regular progress reports



Maths, Phy, Che, Bio

Class Room Training

Maths, Phy, Che, Bio

Skill Training

Elementary Miidle School


Computer Trainng

Group III


Hobbies Tutor

Art Training

tet training

OUR Course Workflow

Mindset your target by having evaluation

Set a choice on course package and create a specification

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Choose a specfic course pattern

Determine which way of pattern helps your kid to engage more, (i.e) video courses, written format / online tutor

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Hire the tutor

Start getting expert and verified tutor for the selected course module

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Workout on report analysis

Our tutor works on analytics report on each lesson and get them knowledged on low performed area to be on top rank


With our help let your child start love the subject which they struggled most gain with top grade in classes

Classroom Training

$XX/ Month

One to One tutor

$XX/ Month

Online tutors

$XX/ Month

95% Successful students are transformed with tutors